Reaching amicable financial agreements during divorce and avoiding court proceedings offers several advantages
What are the common misconceptions about family mediation
Family mediation typically takes between 3 to 6 sessions, with each session lasting 90 minutes to 2 hours.
By avoiding these common pitfalls, individuals can navigate the divorce process more smoothly and protect their interests more effectively.
A mentor can significantly impact your personal and professional growth by providing guidance, support, and valuable insights.
When considering or going through a divorce, people often have several key concerns and questions. Here are some of the main areas our clients ask us about.
This is a meeting where we can answer all of your questions about the separation and divorce process.
There have been some changes to the Family Proceedings Rules, which came into effect on 29 April 2024 but is family mediation now mandatory?
Clients often prefer family mediation for several reasons
How is mediation helpful? Why is mediation a good alternative to court?
Many couples now use mediation to help them sort out their divorce and parenting plan.
Neurodiversity is a popular term that’s used to describe differences in the way people’s brains work, there being no “correct” way for the brain to work. Instead, there is a wide range of ways that people perceive and respond to the world.
Pensions are often shared on divorce, here are a few key reasons to explain why.
How do you find a mediator who can help?
Here are some key tips for preparing for mediation with a narcissist
The Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) process is a crucial step in finding out whether mediation is suitable for you and your family towards a resolution and if not to take a look at other options available.
There are certain types of family mediation that mean you can use mediation to help you sort out your divorce, stay out of court and keep the legal fees down.
To be a grandparent is a privilege and a joy - have a read of Gill Wright's blog on the issue
While parents ultimately make the final decisions about their future parenting plan, there has been a lot of research about how allowing children to express their opinions can be beneficial.
Family dispute experts are asking separated parents to plan ahead for the school Easter break and consider family mediation as a way of reaching an amicable agreement about how to share the holidays.
Parents who have decided to separate or divorce in 2024 are being urged to find out how to avoid courtroom confrontation to settle money and parenting arrangements, with the launch of Family Mediation Week, 22 – 26 January.
Co-parenting during the holidays, especially Christmas, can be challenging for separated or divorced parents. Here are some top tips to help make the festive season easier for everyone involved:
In the UK, stepparents do not automatically have parental responsibility for their stepchildren
How Long Is the Process for Getting a Divorce Through Court? How Does Family Mediation Work? How Long Does Family Mediation Take? Find out the difference between dealing with your divorce in court compared to mediation
What Does a Mediator Do? What Does a Lawyer Do? Lawyers and mediators are often called upon during the process of separation and divorce, we’ll explain the difference between the two roles and when you might use their services.
No-fault divorce in the UK refers to the legal process of ending a marriage without the need to prove fault or wrongdoing by either party.
What is Coercive Control? How Do You Know if Coercive Control is Happening to You? How to Deal with Coercive Control... advice from oxford based family mediators on all the important questions
Dealing with an ex who blames you for everything can be challenging, but there are ways to cope with the situation
Before you choose a family mediator, it’s imperative to ask the right questions.
The phrase "toxic ex-spouse" is a term used to describe a former partner who exhibits harmful, damaging, or destructive behaviour towards their ex-partner and their children.
Co-parenting and parallel parenting are two approaches to parenting after a separation or divorce. Parallel parenting is often used in high conflict divorce cases.
Yes, mediation and arbitration can be combined to help couples reach agreements and stay out of court.
Mediation can be an effective tool for resolving high conflict divorce cases
According to various sources, the hardest thing to deal with after divorce is different for everyone.
We are preparing for an increase in demand from separating parents as the school summer holiday comes to an end.
7 reasons why family mediation might be right for you
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that causes a victim to question their own feelings, instincts, and sanity.
Podcast with Dr Supriya Mckenna and Karin Walker discussing Narcissism and the role of Hybrid Mediation (2)
Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, especially for children. It's important to communicate with your children about the divorce in a way that is clear, simple, and age-appropriate.
Coercive control is a pattern of behaviour that an abuser uses to dominate their partner and limit their freedom. It can include physical abuse and emotional abuse, but often, coercive control is more subtle.
Divorce can be a complex and emotional process, and it's important to avoid common mistakes that can make it even more difficult.
Some top tips on how to cope
Communicating effectively with your ex-spouse during a divorce can be challenging
The CGT rules changed to help separating and divorcing couples and those in civil partnerships but what exactly do the new rules mean?
If you are involved in court proceedings you can still consider mediation, maybe with your lawyer coming along to support you.
Court cases take a long time and are costly. How does using mediation compare?
Fortunately, the days of having to go to court to get divorced are long gone. Courtrooms are now the exception, rather than the rule.
We explain how mediation agreements can become court orders.
We are helping separating couples cut Valentine’s Day emotional turmoil
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) launched a voucher scheme which provides a contribution of up to £500 towards the mediation costs for eligible cases, supporting people in resolving their family law disputes outside of court, where appropriate. It may come to an end in March.
At this time of year the media often make reference to “Divorce Day” which is meant to represent a specific day where the most divorces are filed with the court.
So why is Hybrid mediation such a good option when divorcing a Narcissist?
What does approving an agreement involve?
Yes. Mediation is for married and unmarried couples. It also assists same-sex couples.
What happens in joint mediation meetings?
Family mediation is not about getting back together. In fact, it is the opposite, family mediation aims to help couples agree how to live apart.
Our mentoring and coaching support for family lawyers
For couples considering separation and/or divorce, it is sometimes necessary to involve other experts so they have all the information they need to make informed decisions about how to deal with the financial issues that need to be resolved.
When a couple separate and/or divorce and need to look at their finances, mortgage capacity can be an important consideration.
Pensions are all too often overlooked or not considered carefully enough when a couple divorce or dissolve their civil partnership.
Before we take any couple into joint mediation meetings, we first have a private and confidential meeting with each person.
In family mediation we are often working with couples who want to sort out the issues relating to their separation and divorce without going to court.
Family mediation is not about getting back together. In fact, it is the opposite, family mediation aims to help couples agree how to live apart.
On 22 July 2022 the government released draft legislation which will change the capital gains tax position for divorcing couples. The legislation is in draft form so may change. The proposed implementation date is 6 April 2023.
Assets owned before a marriage or inherited during a marriage can often become a focal point when discussing how the assets on divorce should be shared between a couple.
First, if a divorce case has to go to court there is a penalty for intentionally hiding assets, it is illegal. Each spouse has a duty to make a full and frank disclosure of their financial position, which includes the full extent of their assets.
Having an affair is a common reason which can lead to the end of a marriage, but it rarely results in one spouse getting a better divorce settlement. There are however exceptions to every rule.
Author of the highly successful Sixty Minute series Rob Parsons turns his attention to that very difficult period of adolescence - the teenage years.
What has to be provided as part of giving full financial disclosure?
Many people ask us why they have to have a MIAM and what it actually is.
There is often some concern or confusion regarding financial disclosure in mediation. Do people have to provide it and if so, how?
Essential Parenting Skills When a Child Resists a Parent by John A. Moran Ph.D., Tyler Sullivan & Matthew Sullivan Ph.D.
What is a MIAM and why might you need one? You can normally book a Zoom MIAM meeting with us within 48 hours of your enquiry.
There is often some concern or confusion regarding financial disclosure in mediation. Do people have to provide it and if so, how?
This book highlights the increasing importance of human relations in professional life. We often recommend this book to lawyers who we are mentoring.
How to avoid your divorce details being made public.
A good read to inspire and motivate people to solve their professional or personal issues.
Children of all ages can be devastated by the news that their parents are splitting up.
In mediation we often have to help people discuss what should happen to inherited assets.
The Child Maintenance Service are making some changes
What is a difficult conversation and how can we have them? We attempt or avoid difficult conversations every day.
The scheme was due to come to be available until the end of March but it may now need to be earlier
Nothing about divorce is easy. That includes talking to your spouse while you are going through a divorce. It also includes talking to your ex after you are divorced.
How to Manage Disagreements and Develop Trust and Understanding
There is often some concern or confusion regarding financial disclosure in mediation. Do people have to provide it and if so, how?
The Making and Breaking of Family Ties
So what happens when no fault divorce becomes law in April?
It is not unusual for one partner to think that their relationship is over and the other doesn’t agree.
What is a MIAM and why might you need one? You can normally book a Zoom MIAM meeting with us within 48 hours of your enquiry.
Review of The Step-parents’ parachute -The four cornerstones to good step-parenting – by Flora McEvedy