When there is an impasse what happens?
When there is an impasse what happens?
Reaching amicable financial agreements during divorce and avoiding court proceedings offers several advantages
What are the 5 steps in a financial mediation? What is the process? What needs to happen?
The CPAG report has investigated how much it costs to raise a child. Do families have enough?
Has the ITV drama Playing Nice provided us with a good example of family mediation?
What are the common misconceptions about family mediation
Family mediation typically takes between 3 to 6 sessions, with each session lasting 90 minutes to 2 hours.
Christmas arrangements for children when parents separate can be difficult. How can Christmas be shared? What options can work for children?
By avoiding these common pitfalls, individuals can navigate the divorce process more smoothly and protect their interests more effectively.
We specialise in helping couples and families in dispute. We care about you and your family. Disputes can be stressful, costly and all consuming. At Family Mediation and Mentoring LLP our focus is to facilitate the resolution of any issue involving family breakdown, separation, divorce and its financial consequences, arrangements for children and any other kind of family dispute. We also offer a unique family law information service and bespoke coaching and training for family lawyers.