
To give you a broad idea, it takes on average between 3 and 6 meetings to resolve divorce and financial issues, and similar to resolve arrangements for children.

Before mediation meetings can start each person must have their own private and confidential online meeting, called a MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting). The MIAM will need to be with the same mediator who will taking the mediation process forward with you. After those meetings, if everyone wants to proceed, the first joint meeting can be booked.

If you do not think mediation is appropriate and that a court application is necessary, in most circumstances, you will still need to have a MIAM before the court application can be filed because the application must be accompanied by a MIAM certificate which we can provide.  A MIAM can be booked here.

The fee for our online mediation information meeting (MIAM) is £150 inclusive of VAT and the meeting usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour.

Our fees for online Family Law Information meetings are £180 inclusive of VAT and the meeting usually takes around an hour.

Our joint online mediation meetings cost £135 plus VAT per hour for each of you (£270 plus VAT per hour in total) and the meetings usually last for 1½ - 2 hours. Work we will have to do between meetings and in preparing final documents will be charged according to how much time we spend doing that work. We provide a bill after each meeting so that you know where you are with the costs every step of the way.

If you would prefer to meet in person, this can be arranged for an additional charge, depending on location.

Our rates are normally reviewed annually, usually in the March of every year.  We will inform you of any variation in our rates before they take effect.

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