How can impasse be effectively addressed during mediation?

When there is an impasse what happens?

Impasse in mediation can be effectively addressed using several strategies:

  • Reframing Issues: Presenting the problem from a different perspective helps parties explore new solutions and move beyond entrenched positions.
  • Identifying Underlying Interests: Focusing on the motivations behind positions rather than the positions themselves can uncover areas of potential     agreement.
  • Incremental Progress: Tackling smaller, less contentious issues first builds momentum and fosters collaboration, gradually dismantling the impasse.
  • Taking Breaks: Temporary pauses give parties time to cool down, reflect, and return with a clearer mindset.
  • Creative Solutions: Brainstorming unconventional approaches can generate fresh ideas for resolution.
  • Effective Communication: Techniques like active listening, open-ended questioning, and paraphrasing build trust and encourage productive dialogue.

These approaches require patience, adaptability, and a focus on fostering collaboration.

If you would like to know more about how mediation can help resolve legal issues, send us an email or give us all call.

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