How Hybrid Mediation can help you divorce a Narcissist

So why is Hybrid mediation such a good option when divorcing a Narcissist?

First of all, let us deal with the jargon.

Hybrid mediation is where a person’s lawyer can join the mediation meetings and become part of finding a solution. The mediators doing this work have received specialist training to work in this way. With the help of the lawyers, after financial disclosure has been provided, there can be a meeting where a financial agreement can be reached, prepared, signed and sent to the court for approval by a Judge. This significantly speeds up the divorce process and can save in legal fees.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder “NPD” is a condition characterised by low empathy, a sense of entitlement, and an addiction to trying to feel special, at the expense of others.

Dr Supriya McKenna and Karin Walker have written an excellent book called “Divorcing a Narcissist – The lure, the loss and the law” and in that book they comment upon and agree that keeping a narcissist out of court should be a top priority. They also go on to say that using Hybrid mediation could be one of the best ways to sort out all the issues that need to be resolved when a couple separate and divorce.

So why is Hybrid mediation such a good option when divorcing a Narcissist?

1.      You can find a lawyer to help you who understands what NPD is and how to best manage things.

2.      The mediator will have an advanced level of training and is more likely to have the right skill set to deal with your situation

3.      Meetings can be done online so you do not need to sit in the same room as your spouse

4.      Meetings can be set up so you are sitting in a virtual room with your lawyer so that they can give you advice and support in the meeting

5.      The mediator can hold confidences thereby reducing the opportunity for manipulation by the narcissist when discussing how an agreement can be reached.

6.      After full financial disclosure has been provided one-way things can be progressed is that a day can be set aside for negotiating an agreement. If an agreement is reached the lawyers are on hand to advise their client about it and then it can be drawn up and signed on the same day. It is then sent to the court for approval by a Judge and once approved it becomes a legally binding order. The Hybrid mediation process can be very flexible.

7.      This process can be a much faster way to resolve everything, stay out of court and save a significant amount on legal fees.


On our website  - there is more information about Hybrid mediation if you would like to know more. You can also book a free initial call with us by going to the booking page of our website or email us on call on 0800 206 2258.

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