Family mediation can help navigate tricky Easter parenting arrangements

Family dispute experts are asking separated parents to plan ahead for the school Easter break and consider family mediation as a way of reaching an amicable agreement about how to share the holidays.

Parenting arrangements that work really well in term-time don’t always fit the bill when a school holiday brings a change of routine.


When separated parents can’t agree between themselves what will work best for the children during these times, it’s important they know that expert help is available.


The time children will spend with each parent over Easter might be tricky to agree. It’s not just about who will look after them day-to-day. You may also need to consider special arrangements for one or other parent taking them away for part of the school holiday.


As accredited family mediators we work with separated parents to shape a plan that fits unique family circumstances, taking into account added complications such as:


·      When will you both spend time with your children over Easter?

·      How will any Easter break be funded?

·      Is a holiday abroad being considered?

·      How might a parent’s new partner fit into the equation?

·      What role might grandparents play?


Family mediation is a process where an independent, professionally-trained mediator helps you work these things out. Making arrangements in good time will give certainty to both parents, bringing you peace of mind.


The government’s Family Mediation Voucher Scheme provides up to £500 towards joint meetings to help separating couples make settlements using family mediation.


We are also trained to meet with children so that, where appropriate, their voice can be heard in the process of making arrangements about them.


If you would like to discuss whether family mediation can help you call us on 0800 2062258 or email us at If it is more convenient, you can also go to the BOOK NOW tab on the home page of our website and book a free call on a day and at a time that works best for you.

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