How much does it cost to go to mediation?

What does it cost to attend mediation?

The cost of mediation is generally much more cost-effective than going through the court system. The cost of mediation is normally based on the mediators hourly rate and the number of meetings needed (with most sessions lasting 1-2 hours.) The total cost can vary significantly depending on factors like:

-The number of sessions required (typically 1-4 sessions for child arrangements,3-5 for finances/property as well)

-Whether it's private or legally-aided mediation

-The mediator's experience level

-Your location (London tends to be more expensive)


Some key points on mediation costs:

-Legally-aided mediation is free if you qualify based on your income

-The government offers a £500 voucher to be used towards the costs of meetings for families mediating child arrangements

-Costs will also include the work done between meetings and time spent for mediators preparing documents, as well as the for the time spent in mediation sessions

So, while costs can vary, mediation is undoubtedly a much more affordable option than court for resolving family disputes which can often spiral and be disproportionate to the issues being resolved.

There is much emphasis nowadays on keeping cases out of court so there are other options for resolving disputes too such as collaborative law, meeting one lawyer together, Private FDRs, round table meetings, arbitration and other options.  Mediation still tends to be cheaper than these options, when appropriate.

If you would like to find out more about the costs of mediation or the mediation process, contact us on 0800 2062258 or


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