What is a Family Law Information Meeting (FLIM™)?

This is a meeting where we can answer all of your questions about the separation and divorce process.

Our Family Law Information meetings (FLIM) can be attended individually or as a couple and offer detailed information about the divorce and separation process so that any questions you have can be answered by our mediators who have over 20 years’ experience working as specialist family lawyers dealing with all aspects of family breakdown.

We provide a bespoke service for people navigating the maze of issues that have to be addressed as part of the separation and divorce process.

These meetings are not about providing you with legal advice but ensuring that you know what is going to happen, how it will happen, what your options are and the different ways everything can be resolved amicably.

If an amicable resolution isn’t going to be possible full information about the court process, how it works and how to prepare for it can also be provided so that you feel supported every step of the way.

This bespoke service will be tailored to you but here are some examples of what we are often asked to help with:

  • A full explanation of everything that needs to be considered
  • Demystifying legal jargon
  • Explaining how you can get divorced without the need for lawyers or, where lawyers are needed, when to use them
  • Going through all the things that must be considered to resolve the financial issues that need to be sorted and legally recorded as part of the divorce process
  • Maybe you are thinking of separating instead of legally divorcing – we can explain the difference between the two and what you might need to consider
  • How to sort out the arrangements for your children
  • Explaining how pensions can be considered
  • What if there are family trusts, how they can be dealt with
  • How to choose the right lawyer if you need one
  • Looking at what can happen with a family home
  • Explaining how to decide if someone needs ongoing spousal maintenance payments and, if they do, for how long
  • Explaining Child Maintenance and how to calculate it
  • Looking at how a business owned by either of you will be factored into a financial agreement
  • Meetings to help you work on the legal documents that must be filed in court if you are involved in the litigation process, so you have the confidence that they are right.
  • Full access to specialist lawyers and other professionals we have worked with and recommend.
  • Emotional and practical support to help you develop strategies to cope with the separation and divorce process and where it would be helpful, individual coaching sessions to prepare you for meetings with your lawyer or attendance in court.

If you would like to book a FLIM™ then go to our website and follow the BOOK NOW button at the top of the home page and you can choose a date and time that suits you.

Alternatively, call us on 0800 206 2258 or email us at hello@familymandm.co.uk.

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