Top Tips for dealing with a Narcissist

How can you manage ending a relationship with a narcissist?

In mediation, there are often suggestions that one spouse is behaving like a narcissist.  How can that be managed? What can you do to deal with a narcissist?

1. Avoid direct confrontation as narcissists are sensitiveto criticism. Instead, focus on the situation at hand and try not to leavespace for projection.

2. Maintain boundaries with the narcissist and stronglyenforce them. Outline what you will and will not tolerate.

3. Put your attention back on yourself and avoid telling the narcissist they are wrong or giving in when they push your limits.

4. Have a support system of people you can trust and rely on.

Dealing with a narcissist can be challenging, but by maintaining boundaries, avoiding direct confrontation, and focusing on yourself, you can improve your interactions with them.

The Hybrid mediation model works well if there are concerns about narcissisticpersonalities.  If you would like to know more, emails us at

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