10 reasons why you should use Family Mediation & Mentoring LLP
10 reasons why you should use Claire and Rachael at Family Mediation & Mentoring LLP
10 reasons to use us!
· Cost effective- the cost of mediation is significantly lower than litigation and the cost is often shared between the parties.
· Quick-mediation meetings can be scheduled at short notice to work around your needs and commitments and resolution can be achieved in a few meetings in some cases.
· Keeping you out of court - we will do all we can to keep you out of court and if you need a lawyer to provide advice we can help to keep their costs to a minimum.
· Bespoke Family Law Information Meeting service - so that couples or individuals can meet with us to get answers to any questions they have about the separation and divorce process. Lawyers aren’t allowed to do this.
· We have a full understanding of the financial issues – Claire and Rachael were previously specialist family lawyers for over 20 years and understand the financial issues that need to be considered when people separate and divorce. Having worked in the family courts we have the experience and knowledge to make sure that your agreement will be approved by the court, where appropriate.
· Online and Face to Face – We can meet using Zoom, Teams or face to face at various different meeting rooms we have available, depending what you both prefer. All mediation meetings are confidential.
· Sustainable agreements - We reality test solutions with you both and ensure you seek legal advice where needed to make sure the agreements you reach will work for you both.
· All mediation options available - Hybrid, Shuttle and Child inclusive options available as well as traditional mediation, depending what the issues are and what style might suit you best.
· We can help improve your communication- discussing the issues together at mediation is more likely to help you improve your communication into the future.
· We care. Above all else, Rachael and Claire want to help you and your family achieve an agreement that is right for you.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email us at hello@familymandm.co.uk or call us on 0800 206 2258. You can also book a free 20 minute call with us via our website.